Monday, February 9, 2015

Why I Was Late

As Owl was so kind to point out, I missed Saturday's post. Sorry, and all, but in my defense, my reasons are awesome.

This Saturday I had the pleasure to attend a comic convention with a good friend of mine. We cosplayed as Hipster Batman (me), and Hipster Robin (her). It was excellent. We went to panels by Edward James Olmos and William Shatter, I finally found a reasonably priced replica of Starbuck's dogtag from Battlestar Galactica, we chatted with some lovely vendors, and I got some excellent swag, including cheap comics, part of Owl's Valentine's Day gift (which she got early), a mystery box from a toy and hobby stand, and Rocket and Groot custom Lego minis. A pretty good con, all things considered.

Afterwards some friends of ours from college paid us an unexpected visit, and talked us into heading up to our alma mater for a LARP session and a ballroom dance. I got to NPC as an immortal Rasputin in the modern era, and Owl was Anastasia. She spoke quite eloquently about our experience at the dance and what dancing means to her and to is both in her last post. For me, it was only partly about the actual act of dancing, however. Mostly, it was an opportunity to see friends I left behind when I graduated and to make new ones. I chatted with our ballroom dance instructor, met new Freshman, and caught up with some old and dear friends. We stayed most of the night, and it was well past midnight (and the deadline for my post) by the time we returned home.

Sunday was a relaxing day, where I caught up on some writing and school work, watched Owl play Mass Effect, and recouped from a very busy Saturday.

The long weekend had a wonderful end to it today. Owl and I have not had many days together where neither of us have work or school. Our weekly D&D session was rescheduled for today, but wanting to spend the day with Owl and having burned out a bit on people I opted out. Instead, we slept in late, ran some errands, then ate sushi while watching Ouran High School Host Club. For dinner we went to one of my very favorite Japanese restaurants, and then to a flashback theater, where we saw Guardians of the Galaxy... Owl's 3rd time seeing it in theaters and my 5th. I am unashamed in my eternal love of that movie. Now I am making snarky comments from my room on behalf of my D&D character while my roommate wraps up game.

At a later date, I would like to talk more about what all this means to me. Both Olmos and Shatner had some very interesting insights at the con that I want to discuss. I could and will speak at great lengths about my love of tabletop gaming and LARPing. I have much to say on the subjects of Guardians of the Galaxy, Japanese food, Ouran High School Host Club, and how it feels to return to college as an alum. But I will save that all for later.

I won't normally do this sort of play-by-play "look at how cool my weekend was" type of post. But, one of my goals in starting this project was to remind myself about all of the things I have to be grateful for, and this weekend was an incredible example of so many of those things. I have amazing friends, wonderful and fulfilling hobbies, a city full of fun things to explore, and a phenomenal girlfriend to explore them with me.

Sorry I missed Saturday's post, but it was well worth it. Life is pretty great.

As an apology, here are some pictures! My new dog tag and Owl's early Valentine's gift, and a portion of my mystery box swag plus my new Rocket and Groot.

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