Monday, March 16, 2015

Among the Very Young At Heart

Hey Raven,

I think the writing may be on the wall. Our lives may be too busy for weekend updates. What do you say to optional weekend updates? Yes/No?

But it's Monday - time to begin another week. This week has started out on a good note! I have tons of work this week, but it's all pretty fun, cool stuff so I can't complain too much. Today was one of the best days I have had in a while. I spent the day at my toy store job, which was pretty uneventful but I got to talk to some nice folk. The day was one of the nicest we've had for a while. It finally started to feel like spring so I bought a frisbee, some bubbles the met my friends and spent the afternoon out at a coffee shop and then a park playing frisbee, blowing bubbles and making terrible puns and math jokes (the math jokes were inaccurate because let's face it I'm terrible at math). Then we came home, made delicious grown up dinner (salmon, broccoli, and spinach), played a card game I haven't played since my childhood, and watched cartoons.

Today reminded me that you are never too old to be a kid. It's never too late to play with toys, goof around, and play make believe. Some of the things that made me happiest as a kid still make me happy today. I often feel like I should be ashamed of how much I enjoy doing kid things still, but days like this remind me that frivolity is more than just okay. It's sometimes exactly what every life needs.

So Raven, don't grow old with me. Just grow with me. Hopefully even when we're 90 we'll still be kids at heart.

Best wishes,


  1. If less weekend updates means more time for Friends trivia, I am all for it.

  2. Man, that Friends trivia game had the worst discrepancy in terms of question difficulty. That said, we should play it again.

    ...also we got more Trivial Pursuit.
