Hey Raven,
I'm looking forward to memorizing some of your favorite poems. And thanks for going easy on me and not making me memorize your namesake poem!
It's going to be a short update tonight because I am exhausted and I have more work early tomorrow. Raven and I (together) will post more on this later, but something we both share and enjoy doing when we have the time is cooking (or baking). This weekend and this evening were excellent cooking days. On Sunday Raven, Magpie, Pidge, and I went for a walk across a frozen lake near our house. It's been below freezing for a while so we figured it was pretty safe (also there were tons of other people out there and the local ice report estimated a car could drive across the lake with no difficulty). It was a glorious walk. We found a half-built ice igloo, frozen waves, and a very funny gentleman kite skiing. Pidge also found the water under the ice. With her foot. On literally the last step she took on the ice. Worst luck!
Then we all rushed home to warm Pidge's ice foot, drink hot cocoa, eat breakfast for dinner, and play MarioKart. I got to make pancakes and waffles for everyone and those are two of my favorite things to make. It reminds me of special Saturday breakfasts with my mother and sister. Pancakes were almost an event in my house. For a while I thought they were hard to make and that's why we never had them. I was surprised to find out later in life that they were simple to make (my sister's diabetes was probably the real reason we had them so seldom). Anyways, I made a new recipe to satisfy Raven's new dietary needs and I may not go back to my old recipe. It was so delicious.
Tonight, though I was exhausted and basically just wanted to sit in front of my computer and play Dragon Age (I'm a bit obsessed with Origins at the moment) I finally made a recipe I have been wanting to make all week (all of last week that is). Raven and I will post about it later, but suffice to say I feel full, happy, and accomplished this evening.
I've always thought of cooking full meals and sitting at an actual set table to eat with another human being while you chat about your day was the true sign of adulthood. Well world, for this week I was an adult. And it was actually pretty great. Let's see if it continues...
Best wishes,
Mmm, ice cream cake with fondant. Ice cream pancakes? Belgian waffles with over cream? Baked Alaska? There's gotta be a way to combine these.