So here's a brief update on my life and the summer to come:
In the next two and a half months I will have at least two weekends spoken for by wedding. I watched two good friends tie the knot a few weeks ago and am incredibly proud and happy for them. I am at the age (26) when my friends are all starting to get married and engaged in droves.
I have many days claimed by my two charges who will doubtless spend the time devouring every bit of summer they can, hopefully while leaving my patience and love for them both intact. So far so good, though it's only been a week. I finished tutoring a 4th grade boy I have been working with since 2nd grade. Next year will be my last year with him and I'm looking forward to finishing off elementary school with him, though I'll miss him after next year. It is pretty cool watching a little kid becoming a teenager. Though I may prefer it from a distance.
Raven and I are basically done reorganizing and arranging the apartment after Crow's departure. We miss him a ton basically all the time, but having the house look new and different than when he lived here helps. (That doesn't mean we wouldn't have you back here in a second if you wanted it, Crow!) That said, it is really neat to have a space that feels like it was created by the two of us. It is a very adult thing we have done and it does feel a bit more like co-habitation this way.
I have finally obtained a hard copy of a Dorothy Parker book of poems. From a secondhand shop. Who gives this away you guys? Next entry I will share some of my favorite excerpts, but you will just have to wait for that because I can't really read this entry well...
The letters are blurring so it's time to admit defeat. And go to bed. Write more soon. No really. I will. Don't you trust me? .... Maybe that's fair.
Until next time,
Yesssss, MOAR Dorothy Parker!!! I'm pretty sure people donate copies of her work to used bookstores as a way of spreading the word. Or maybe somebody woke up and realized they only needed 3 copies of her work, not 5.