Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thank God for June

I love May. I really do. It's one of my favorite months, in fact, for precisely the same reason that I am now incredibly glad it's over.

Basically everything forever happens in May, at least on my calendar. For instance, Owl, my mother, and one of my best friends all have May birthdays. Both my parents and Owl and I have anniversaries in May, theirs for their wedding, ours for our (somewhat less impressive) first date. Mother's Day happens. Memorial Day happens. If you're as huge a nerd as I am, May is a big time for that as well, as May 4th is Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with us all) and May 25th is Geek Pride Day (a.k.a. Towel Day in honor of Douglas Adams, but it also marks the anniversary of the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May, and the 1977 release of Star Wars).

This May we also celebrated with my cousin at her baby shower, and with two of our good college friends on the occasion of their wedding. This last event was especially exciting, and was also the main source of my exhaustion the past few days. The wedding itself was last week, and was an absolutely beautiful affair. I couldn't be happier for the beautiful couple. The occasion was especially exciting since it meant that a gaggle of college friends flew in, and we ended up having a number of folks sleeping on our couches and futon. This includes Crow, our old roommate who abandoned us forever, except not really! It was wonderful to see him for the weekend, and he got to crash in his old room, which looks exactly the same except almost everything is different. As much as we love having a new media room/guest room/office/insomnia hideaway, I think both Owl and I would much rather it still belong to Crow, and it was hard to see him leave again yesterday.

Oh, and I also was the lucky recipient of not one, not two, not three, but five doctors visits/exams/sharp needle poking experiences in the past week. It was super fun, only exactly the opposite of that. Actually, it wasn't horrendous, but that is still many more sterile white offices than I want to see in the span of seven days.

On top of that, classes ended, I turned in final papers, I was hired on for another project, and all sorts of exciting, fun, and occasionally stressful things happened.

So, May really is a fun and exciting month for me, but perhaps now you can see why I am a bit tired, and why the blog has been awfully quiet of late.

If all goes well, we will resume regular posts this week, but I don't want to make promises that I may very well break! With any luck, though, you'll see me again on Thursday.

Ta, lovelies.

-Raven the Sleepy

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